Wednesday, July 1, 2009

My Purpose

To ask someone what they feel there purpose in life is, is a really vague question. It takes many people nearly half of their lives to either find their purpose or even begin to have an idea as to what they think their purpose is. I will be 18 in three days and what I feel is my purpose in life now may be different ten years from now. Though I’m only 18 I’m very spiritually grounded and I fell this is a big help in finding your purpose. I feel my purpose is to serve others.

Coming from a long line of Pastors, it’s only natural for me to feel like my purpose in life is to tell people about and help them to know Jesus Christ as their personal savior. Though I’m not sure as to which path I am to take to lead people to Christ, there are many avenues in which you can do so. Many members at my father’s church constantly tell me that they feel I will be the one to succeed my Father in the pulpit as he did my Grandfather. Though I am happy they believe in me and I would gladly answer if Jesus calls me to do so, I am a freshman in college and focused on my athletics and academics right now.

I am majoring in Business Management so that I can one day become a business owner. This will allow me to serve by providing people with employment. It will also give me a chance to serve through my business and whatever products, services, or help it will offer.

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