Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Course Evaluation

I feel like Comp 1 has really help me, I didn't think I was going to make it but with Gods grace I made it. I have learned alot in less than three weeks. Mrs. Ross is a good teacher, at first when I meet her i thought she hated me , but she told me that she saw potential in me. When she took me out of prep to get into comp 1, all i could think was i am about to fell. As the week went on I realize that she wasn't so hard after all. I would give this class an A mainly becasue Mrs. Ross would never let you give up, no matter what. She would make you think outside the box and thats why i really respect her. I remember something that my dad always told me, when things seem to get hard and you are doing the best you can, don't give up even if you didn't accomplish it, long as you gave it your all, you have succeded.

Thank You Mrs. Ross for everything.

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