Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Nearly a year ago, I worked my first job. It was at McDonald’s. It was not that I needed the job because my parents were not able to provide for me, as is the case with many of my friends. My Dad is a Principal at the high school I attended and my Mom is the City Clerk for the city of Tuscaloosa, so they are able to provide for me. I searched for a job to experience how it would feel to try and make it on my own and not depend on my parents. At this time in my life I was so ungrateful in dealing with my parents and their finances. My ungratefulness cost them dearly and they nearly went broke behind me doing stupid and wasteful things when they gave me money.

When I initially started the job at McDonald’s things went very well and they treated me fine. However, as time passed and I was no longer the new employee, my co-workers began yelling at me as they did everyone else whenever something wasn’t to their liking. I quickly realized that in order to keep this job I would have to take my responsibilities serious, and evidentially do what I had to do. It was that day that I told my dad I could not work that job anymore. I told him that I would stop being ungrateful and not spend money on dumb, frivolous things.

About eight months later, I fell into my old habits again. They would give me access to large amounts of money and I would blow it. Whenever they would confront me about it I would just tell them that I wouldn’t do it again. Then one Sunday at church my Grandma approached me and told me that I would be starting work at a nursing home. I already knew this wasn’t going to be good. What could I possibly do at a nursing home?

Just as I thought, I started the job and did not like it. My responsibilities were to wash the old tenants’ feet, feed them, and bathe them if needed. One day while there, a lady named Ms. Betty came up to me and asked what was wrong. I guess she noticed the look of disgust on my face. I explained my situation to her and she told me that my parents were doing all of this for a reason. She said they were trying to show me that they are my family and family is all you have. She said they were taking care of me now and in return I would be expected to care for them later in their lives.

I really listened to what Ms. Betty was telling me. She even made me promise her that I would never disrespect my family again. Ms. Betty told me that a family that prays together, stays together. Ever since those days with Ms. Betty I’ve made it my mission to help not only my family when they needed it, but others as well. I have been working at that nursing home for two years now. I’m not getting paid and I still go because I love it and not because I am being forced to. I do it because I’ve learned that when you take care of God’s people he will bless you in return.

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