Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Teaching the Class

My experince on teaching the class was very interesting. We had to find a way to break Comparing and Contrast down. So we made a powerpoint on steps of what you need in your paper. We told them how to find a good thesis statement and a weak thesis statement. Also told them that the conclusion must come in the first paragraph and then the body. We also taught the class on Elements of Fiction, thats was more diffucult becasue we had alot more to teach about, but in the end it was well worth it becasue somebody learned something new. I felt good knowing that the class learn something new and were able to put it to use.


If you ask most people if they believe in love at first sight their initial reaction would probably be, “no”. I was one of those people myself. During high school I met and dated many people. When you’re in high school the relationships are usually short and meaningless so you tend to have more of them. Though my relationships were never serious it didn’t keep me from wondering what a serious relationship would be like.
Like many people, I sometimes dreamt about finding true love. I would dream about where I would be when I found her, what she would look like, how many kids we would have, and what our lives would be like. Even though you dream about it, you never expect to find it until later in life. For me, that later in life has come at the age of 17. I think I have found the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. I found her at church.
I have attended the same church my entire life, College Hill Baptist Church. My Grandfather founded the church and served as pastor until his death. My Father is the pastor now and I will probably be called to take over some day. As for now, I am happy playing the drums each Sunday.
From where I sit at the drums I am able to see every member of the congregation as they enter the sanctuary on Sunday mornings. It’s usually the same people taking their same paths down the aisles to sit in the same pews they have for years and years. This is how I noticed her, it was one Sunday in December. She didn’t just rush to her usual seat, she was a visitor and didn’t have one. Instead, she stood in the door and carefully scanned the sanctuary to find a vacant spot on one of the pews. She stood out to me immediately. She was so different from the usual women who come through those doors.
I could tell that she was older and at that point I thought my dream was shattered. I told myself there was no way she was going to find interest in a 17 year old. She was mature, attractive, smart, well-dressed, and had all the characteristics that you would look for in your soul mate. Me, I was just a 17 year old high school senior who played football and the drums. I didn’t think I had anything to offer her. I couldn’t bring myself to say anything to her, but at the same time I wanted to know so much more about her. I didn’t even know if I would ever see her again because she was just visiting. Fate would have other plans.
Much to my surprise this woman became a regular attendee at church. It wasn’t long after that, she decided to join and become a member. I was so glad she decided to join, this would give me more time to figure out how I was going to approach her. I really didn’t have to think for long before everything started to fall into place.
My dad is always looking for ways outside of the church for the congregation to bond and be active in the community. As a result of this, my brother decided to enroll our church in a co-ed softball league. A co-ed league would give the men and women of the church to play the sport together and get to know each other as well as the members of the opposing churches. Being that this woman was so girly, I never would have imagined that she would sign up to play on the softball team but she did. I knew this would be the perfect opportunity for me to get to know more about her.
I can remember the very first game we had, it was actually an exhibition game and didn’t really count towards the tournament. I didn’t know if she would be there because she had only come to two of the many scheduled practices. Much to my surprise again, she shows up. It was sort of bad timing because I was in a relationship and my current girlfriend had come to watch me play. I really couldn’t pay her much attention because I was so intrigued by this older woman. We won one of the exhibition games and lost the other.
As the season went on and we played game after game, I would just observe her and take notice of everything that she did. This made me want to make her a part of my life. I loved everything about her, however I could never bring myself to discuss anything with her other than softball. I was so afraid of being rejected. Then another strange moment occurs in my favor.
Her sister, who is also a member of the church and the softball team had just moved into a new home and she and her husband requested the help of me and a few other people to help with the move. She wanted to take my number down so that she would be able to contact me when they were ready for the move, but she didn’t have a pen or a cell phone at the ball park. As we looked for a way for her to remember my number, her sister, the woman of my dreams walks by and she asks her to enter my number into her phone so that she could get it from her later. That was the turning point for everything.
The woman I’d been dreaming about sent me a text giving me her sisters number. Anytime someone sends you a text you then have their number as well. I was on cloud nine, I now had her number and didn’t even have to ask for it. I was one step closer to getting to know this woman, but was still afraid of rejection. I couldn’t take it anymore. I decided to text her and the wait for her to text back seemed like an eternity. The wait was over, she replied.
She wanted to know who I was, she didn’t have a clue as to who was texting her. I explained that it was me and immediately got to the point before she decided to ask me to never text her again. I asked her if I could ask her a question, she replied “sure”. I asked her if age was an issue when it came to her being in a relationship with someone. She replied, “no”. I knew that this was my opportunity to tell her how I felt. I’m glad I did, after a few round of texts we decided to become friends and get to know each other better.
After a short time, our friendship evolved into us having feelings for one another and we were both happy. However, there was an age difference between us that probably wouldn’t be acceptable to others so we decided to keep our relationship a secret. Like most secrets, it didn’t remain a secret for long. My mother ended up finding out as well as a few other people. I guess true love is hard to hide. My mother doesn’t feel that I have anything to offer her and wonders why she wants to be with me. She has told us both that we should not see each other anymore, but that’s easier said than done.
Turning off your feelings when you’re in love with someone would be as hard as trying to stop Niagara Falls from flowing, it’s just not that cut and dry. It would take years to dry up Niagara Falls and in some cases it takes years to get over someone you’re been in love with. I am in love and she is on love and though we have been forbidden to see each other we are just taking it one day at a time. We may never end up spending our future together or who knows we may spend the rest of our lives together. Only time will tell what the future holds and we are both going to be patient and wait on it.


Nearly a year ago, I worked my first job. It was at McDonald’s. It was not that I needed the job because my parents were not able to provide for me, as is the case with many of my friends. My Dad is a Principal at the high school I attended and my Mom is the City Clerk for the city of Tuscaloosa, so they are able to provide for me. I searched for a job to experience how it would feel to try and make it on my own and not depend on my parents. At this time in my life I was so ungrateful in dealing with my parents and their finances. My ungratefulness cost them dearly and they nearly went broke behind me doing stupid and wasteful things when they gave me money.

When I initially started the job at McDonald’s things went very well and they treated me fine. However, as time passed and I was no longer the new employee, my co-workers began yelling at me as they did everyone else whenever something wasn’t to their liking. I quickly realized that in order to keep this job I would have to take my responsibilities serious, and evidentially do what I had to do. It was that day that I told my dad I could not work that job anymore. I told him that I would stop being ungrateful and not spend money on dumb, frivolous things.

About eight months later, I fell into my old habits again. They would give me access to large amounts of money and I would blow it. Whenever they would confront me about it I would just tell them that I wouldn’t do it again. Then one Sunday at church my Grandma approached me and told me that I would be starting work at a nursing home. I already knew this wasn’t going to be good. What could I possibly do at a nursing home?

Just as I thought, I started the job and did not like it. My responsibilities were to wash the old tenants’ feet, feed them, and bathe them if needed. One day while there, a lady named Ms. Betty came up to me and asked what was wrong. I guess she noticed the look of disgust on my face. I explained my situation to her and she told me that my parents were doing all of this for a reason. She said they were trying to show me that they are my family and family is all you have. She said they were taking care of me now and in return I would be expected to care for them later in their lives.

I really listened to what Ms. Betty was telling me. She even made me promise her that I would never disrespect my family again. Ms. Betty told me that a family that prays together, stays together. Ever since those days with Ms. Betty I’ve made it my mission to help not only my family when they needed it, but others as well. I have been working at that nursing home for two years now. I’m not getting paid and I still go because I love it and not because I am being forced to. I do it because I’ve learned that when you take care of God’s people he will bless you in return.

Major Lesson

One major lesson in life i have learned in life is treat people the way you want to be treated. You never no who you mite need in life, the same person you mistreat could oneday be your doctor, lawyer, co-worker, or even boss. I use to mistreat people until oneday God stop blessing me, i kept wondering what was happening, until I went on my knees and gave my life to the lord. I have been saved for 13 years.

Course Evaluation

I feel like Comp 1 has really help me, I didn't think I was going to make it but with Gods grace I made it. I have learned alot in less than three weeks. Mrs. Ross is a good teacher, at first when I meet her i thought she hated me , but she told me that she saw potential in me. When she took me out of prep to get into comp 1, all i could think was i am about to fell. As the week went on I realize that she wasn't so hard after all. I would give this class an A mainly becasue Mrs. Ross would never let you give up, no matter what. She would make you think outside the box and thats why i really respect her. I remember something that my dad always told me, when things seem to get hard and you are doing the best you can, don't give up even if you didn't accomplish it, long as you gave it your all, you have succeded.

Thank You Mrs. Ross for everything.

Thank You To All Who Have Tried To Prevent Me From Becoming Who I Am

To all the haters and blockers,

Thanks so much for the inspiration you’ve given me. Every negative word, mean look, and letter of discouragement that you’ve given me only helped to make me stronger. I am using that strength to fight even harder to achieve my goals and dream. I don’t have to be those things that you have called me for I am nothing but a child of God. He will protect me from people like you, for Isaiah 54:17 says “no weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shall condemn…”.

Prayerfully yours,


Favorite Quotes

Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome.

Booker T. Washington

We all have ability. The difference is how we use it.

Stevie Wonder

Four steps to achievement: Plan purposefully. Prepare prayerfully. Proceed positively. Pursue persistently.

William A. Ward: Decision Making Quotes

Thank You To All Who Have Helped Me To Become Who I Am

To all of my family, supporters and encouragers;

Thank you so much for all that you have done for me. Your words of wisdom, encouragement, and prayers have truly helped me to become who I am today. In my times of trouble…you helped me, in my time of need…you gave me, in my time of heartache and pain…you consoled me, and in my time of unawareness…you introduced me to God. These are things that I will always remember and carry with me. Thank you so much and I will forever feel indebted to you. The only way I know to repay you is to make something out of myself by achieving my goals and dreams and giving the same love that you gave me to someone else.

Love always,


Self Analysis (who you are and why you believe you have what is necessary to succeed in life- what can life offer)

I am Kennis Winston Croom, a 17 year old Freshman at Concordia College in Selma, AL. First and foremost though, I am the fourth and last child born to Kelvin and Tracy Croom. I have two older sisters and one older brother. These people are the reason I know I have what is necessary to succeed in life. I feel in order for anyone to succeed they need to have a strong support system. I have that support system and they are my family. We are a strong Christian family that prays together.

Though a strong family structure helps you to succeed it is not the only thing needed. In order for me to succeed I have to want it for myself and I also have to work towards achieving success. That’s why I am attending college and working towards a degree in Business Administration and playing football. I think once I do that my part by obtaining my degree and putting my best foot forward on the football field life will have a lot to offer me. I will be able to start my own business one day or possibly become a professional athlete. The possibilities are endless as long as I apply myself and take the appropriate steps towards achieving my goals.

My Philosophy of Life (How do I View It)

Some say you are either a pessimist or optimist. Me, I am an optimist. I view the glass as half full as opposed to half empty. I view the world as a blank canvas that’s mine to paint whatever picture I’d like for myself. I am a firm believer in God and I know the power he has and what he can do for you. Many people blame others for their mistakes and mishaps in life when actually you are in control of your own destiny and decisions.

I have learned a lot in these four weeks away from my parents about independence and making the right decisions. So many times when I am around my parents I do what’s right because I know it will make them happy. Now since I’ve been away from them I’ve had to learn to think for myself. I’ve realized that when I make decisions I usually have two choices. One choice normally leads you down the right path, the other leads you down the wrong path.

Though I say life is a matter of paths you can take, I know that my life is ultimately predestined by God. As long as I do what’s pleasing in God’s eyes my life will be one that I and my parents can be proud of. Though there are many temptations out there, I love life and I live it to the fullest. I know that if I make bad decisions could I could have that freedom of enjoying life taken away. I know that I can get anything I want out of life and be anything that I want to be as long as I make good decisions and remain spiritually grounded.

My Purpose

To ask someone what they feel there purpose in life is, is a really vague question. It takes many people nearly half of their lives to either find their purpose or even begin to have an idea as to what they think their purpose is. I will be 18 in three days and what I feel is my purpose in life now may be different ten years from now. Though I’m only 18 I’m very spiritually grounded and I fell this is a big help in finding your purpose. I feel my purpose is to serve others.

Coming from a long line of Pastors, it’s only natural for me to feel like my purpose in life is to tell people about and help them to know Jesus Christ as their personal savior. Though I’m not sure as to which path I am to take to lead people to Christ, there are many avenues in which you can do so. Many members at my father’s church constantly tell me that they feel I will be the one to succeed my Father in the pulpit as he did my Grandfather. Though I am happy they believe in me and I would gladly answer if Jesus calls me to do so, I am a freshman in college and focused on my athletics and academics right now.

I am majoring in Business Management so that I can one day become a business owner. This will allow me to serve by providing people with employment. It will also give me a chance to serve through my business and whatever products, services, or help it will offer.